Career Mate
An all inclusive, one stop solution for the management of your Human Resources.
Profile Launch - Compliance - Human Resources - Job Portal
What do we have?
Key Features
- Career Mate Launch: is an electronic data storage software which creates a personal wallet for individuals that accurately records, verifies, and stores credentials and certificates on a secure database. Each wallet is owned and managed by the individual.
- Career Mate Enterprise: is a fully integrated comprehensive suite of software applications for companies wanting to streamline their human resource functions (Recruitment, Onboarding, Human Resource Management, Compliance).
- Career Job Portal: A public job board where we bring job seekers and recruiters closer.
Network Participants
Technology Innovations
Difference set of audiences
4 different set of audiences (employers, employees, job seekers, registered training organisations)
Business domains
30+ business domains (e.g. user management, profile management, qualification, project, compliance management, etc.)
API endpoints
1000+ api endpoints
Key Innovation
Visual compliance rules builder
Key Innovation
Novel profiles sharing method that put the employee at the center, where they have full control of what to share
Key Innovation
Employer are notified in real-time and can review to accept / reject the changes.
Difference set of audiences
4 different set of audiences (employers, employees, job seekers, registered training organisations)
Business domains
30+ business domains (e.g. user management, profile management, qualification, project, compliance management, etc.)
API endpoints
1000+ api endpoints
Key Innovation
Visual compliance rules builder
Key Innovation
Novel profiles sharing method that put the employee at the center, where they have full control of what to share
Key Innovation
Employer are notified in real-time and can review to accept / reject the changes.
Mobile applications
1 mobile application (one per each audience realm)
30+ schema
Many workflows: Employee Onboarding & Offfboarding Workflow, etc
Key Innovation
Multiple level compliance tracking (for project owner, contractor, sub-contractor, employees)
Key Innovation
Multiple profiles
Mobile applications
1 mobile application (one per each audience realm)
30+ schema
Many workflows: Employee Onboarding & Offfboarding Workflow, etc
Key Innovation
Multiple level compliance tracking (for project owner, contractor, sub-contractor, employees)
Key Innovation
Multiple profiles
Front-end applications
4+ Frontend Application (Each may have mutilple variations for each audiences)
Data tables
Thousands of data tables.
Rule Sets
Many rulesets: Job Matching, Project Compliance, etc
Key Innovation
Allow compliance inspection without having to reveal sensitive information (contract may not need to see sub-contractor employee details)
Key Innovation
Decide what, when and who to share their information
Front-end applications
4+ Frontend Application (Each may have mutilple variations for each audiences)
Data tables
Thousands of data tables.
Rule Sets
Many rulesets: Job Matching, Project Compliance, etc
Key Innovation
Allow compliance inspection without having to reveal sensitive information (contract may not need to see sub-contractor employee details)
Key Innovation
Decide what, when and who to share their information
Document generation and management for structured documents (contracts, government forms, etc.)
Career Mate
An all inclusive, one stop solution for the management of your Human Resources.
Profile Launch - Compliance - Human Resources - Job Portal
Invest Mate
In the dynamic world of finance, timing is everything.
Our trading system, powered by state-of-the-art algorithms, ensures you're always one step ahead.
Stay agile, stay profitable.
A platform is designed to simplify the mortgage process by offering tools, resources, and services that help users compare rates, apply for loans, and manage their mortgage applications efficiently online.